Locanda Sant’Agostin is located in the characteristic district of San Polo, an authentic Venetian area full of restaurants and typical Bacari. A few steps from the Basilica dei Frari, Scuola Grande San Rocco and Campo San Polo, the Locanda is only 10 minutes from the Rialto Bridge.

How to get here

Arriving from the airport

Venice Marco Polo Airport
By private water TAXI to the Locanda in Rio Sant’Agostin. We advise you to agree the price before getting on board and to check that the taxi is an authorised one (these can be recognised by the yellow band on the sides and by the licence number written on it). By ATVO or ACTV bus no. 5 to Piazzale Roma and then by VAPORETTO (public transport service) ACTV line 1 through the Grand Canal to the fourth stop, San Stae (journey time about 10 minutes). Once at the landing of San Stae take the first iron bridge on the left and continue to Fondamenta Mocenigo, straight to Calle del Modena, to arrive at Campo San Boldo or Calle del Calice, then turn left to get to Campo Sant’Agostin.

San Giuseppe di Treviso Airport
A Shuttle Service connects Treviso Airport with Piazzale Roma in Venice, running at the same times as the major flights. From Piazzale Roma you can take the ACTV VAPORETTO line 1 through the Grand Canal to the San Stae stop (travel time about 10 minutes). From here, continue as above.

Arriving by car

You can leave your car at the TRONCHETTO Car Terminal and then take the ACTV Vaporetto line 2 to the Santa Lucia Railway Station. Here, take the ACTV Vaporetto line 1 across the Grand Canal to the San Stae stop. Travel time about 20 minutes. Once at the landing of San Stae, take the first iron bridge on the left and continue to Fondamenta Mocenigo, straight to Calle del Modena, to arrive at Campo San Boldo or Calle del Calice, then turn left to get to Campo Sant’Agostin. You can also leave your car at the car park in PIAZZALE ROMA. From Piazzale Roma, you must take the ACTV VAPORETTO (public transport service) line 1 Canal Grande to the fourth stop, San Stae (journey time about 8 minutes). From here, continue as above.

Arriving by train

Santa Lucia Railway Station

By private water TAXI to the Hotel in Rio Sant’Agostin. We advise you to agree on the price before boarding and to check that the taxi is authorised.
By VAPORETTO (public transport service) ACTV line 1 through the Grand Canal to the San Stae stop (journey time 8/10 minutes approximately). Once at the landing of San Stae take the first iron bridge on the left and continue to Fondamenta Mocenigo, straight to Calle del Modena, to arrive at Campo San Boldo or Calle del Calice, then turn left to get to Campo Sant’Agostin.

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